Shirts are In!

Now I just need to figure out the best way to ship them.

10 thoughts on “Shirts are In!

  1. Speaking for myself, I would be happy to add whatever standard shipping (USPS, even) to the shirt cost. Let me know where to send check.

  2. So true! One of the best “rants” I have read in a long time. It certainly coincides with many of my own observations. Here is an interesting observation of mine — If you ever watched the actual live trials you will notice a disturbing circumstance. The LAWYERS ask MANY questions, but almost always NEVER ask the KEY questions… They may ask “what did you have for breakfast?, and then go into great detail about how the eggs were cooked, and what side of the toast was buttered, but the KEY questions regarding the specifics of the case or the witness always seem to be missing. They will literally spend HOURS asking and re-asking the most irrelevant questions and then get challenged by the opposition and motions are then made as to procedure, but we sit and watch and YELL at the screen to ask the one damn question that would blow the case apart. Even when there is direct EVIDENCE, the examination of the relevance of that evidence seems to be largely ignored or they dance around it and just accept some goofy answer and move on.
    In the Fani Willis trial, the questions you really wanted to hear never were asked or probed. We were hoping for the result of the movie “A Few Good Men” — Did you order the Code RED ??? ALL the evidence was there with Willis,,, DID YOU DO THIS FOR POLITICAL REASONS?? etc… Here is a whole bunch of your E-mail saying this or that. What did you mean by it?
    So, again I say, for all their lawyer education, mock trials, practice, and experience, when that experience needs to happen, they become a limp dishrag. Remember the OJ trial and the most ridiculous lines of questioning for HOURS by Dardin?? Either it’s PLANNED stupidity, or just plain BASIC stupidity… Don’t they have recesses, where others could say “what the fuck is the matter with you”.. ASK THESE QUESTIONS !!!!!
    This author’s observations regarding the Education system is spot on. The education they want is basic compliance. The Socratic method is NOT taught in any Public school,, Only the Charter or elite schools teach THINKING and even that is being corrupted. The dumbing down of America did start with Wilson and his Progressive ideas. Carter with his Dept of Education. Laura Bush with “No Child Left Behind”. ALL geared to lowering the criteria.
    The Liberal says the general public needs to be organized as a group. There should NOT be jealousy or individualism in the masses. EQUALITY is their mantra. The ELITE never see hardship because their pantries always have meat and bread. When you are a multi-millionaire, when the price of a gallon of milk goes up a dollar, do you really think they worry about it or pinch their pennies? Their children are groomed to be above the masses. The most radical of them manage to become the LEADERS. And every damn one of them wants to SAVE HUMANITY and the planet so that Humanity can serve the elite better.

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