Worth the Read

Rapid-Onset Political Enlightenment, by David Samuels in Tablet Magazine. Given the recent admissions by the New York Times and Wall Street Journal that Joe Biden’s mental incapacity dates back a couple of years and everyone knew it, this piece is especially relevant. Excerpt:

The unspoken agreements that obscured the way this social messaging apparatus worked—including Obama’s role in directing the entire system from above—and how it came to supplant the normal relationships between public opinion and legislative process that generations of Americans had learned from their 20th-century poli-sci textbooks, made it easy to dismiss anyone who suggested that Joe Biden was visibly senile; that the American system of government, including its constitutional protections for individual liberties and its historical system of checks and balances, was going off the rails; that there was something visibly unhealthy about the merger of monopoly tech companies and national security agencies with the press that threatened the ability of Americans to speak and think freely; or that America’s large cultural systems, from education, to science and medicine, to the production of movies and books, were all visibly failing, as they fell under the control of this new apparatus. Millions of Americans began feeling increasingly exhausted by the effort involved in maintaining parallel thought-worlds in which they expressed degrees of fealty to the new order in the hope of keeping their jobs and avoiding being singled out for ostracism and punishment, while at the same time being privately baffled or aghast by the absence of any persuasive logic behind the changes they saw—from the breakdown of law and order in major cities, to the fentanyl epidemic, to the surge of perhaps 20 million unvetted illegal immigrants across the U.S. border, to widespread gender dysphoria among teenage girls, to sudden and shocking declines in public health, life expectancy, and birth rates.

Until the fever broke. Today, Donald Trump is victorious, and Obama is the loser.

Read the whole thing, as they say.

3 thoughts on “Worth the Read

  1. When a group of people preform an actual coup against the people of The United States. Then that is Treason not the instigated riot of J6 not even the Summer of Love riots or the attack on the Whitehouse.
    By these actions in the semi-coordinated grab for power these people, especially those current and former members of the Government. This, this is Treason.
    Prison?, at a minimum. Public executions are not excessive for this.

  2. The pendulum has swung, and there is a new ‘reality’ now. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next four years.

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