Well, yes, actually, I did. The pipsqueak .223 round will do a number on cinderblocks, as CNN illustrated quite graphically in May of 2003, and I covered their little piece of propaganda when I started this blog in The Lying “News” Media, Pt. II. But apparently this was news to a New York Daily News writer in her hysterical phillippic:
Weapons that can shatter concrete
Semiautomatic assault rifles have returned, and cops who face them know all too well what they can do
DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITERThe Cold (That’s COLT, moron – ed.) AR-15 semiautomatic assault rifle is long, black and sleek and shoots .223-caliber ammunition, or 2-inch long bullets.
First paragraph SENTENCE, two technical errors. The COLT AR-15 fires the .223 Remington/5.56Nato cartridge, with bullets (the projectiles) that are about 3/4″ long and 0.224″ in diameter. The overall cartridge (case, bullet, primer, powder) is about 2.2″ long. Let’s get more from the “expert,” shall we?
For 10 years, the sale and manufacture of the fearsome weapon was illegal anywhere in America.
Only Colt’s version, if it was marked “AR-15.” Lots of other manufacturers made it, and sold it with perfect legality. And many other manufacturers made weapons chambered for the (apparently fearsome) .223 Remington round. It’s quite the small game round.
Last week, as some Southern stores resumed sale of the rifle, Police Officer Darrell Corti demonstrated its destructive power.
Oh, I’ll bet he did. Just like Broward County Sheriff Ken Jenne did back in May, 2003.
Corti aimed the weapon at a cinderblock at the NYPD firing range at Rodman’s Neck in the Bronx and pulled the trigger. The burst of gunfire rang loudly in the ears despite protective gear. The narrow bullet traveled at such a high velocity that it pierced a half-dollar-sized hole in the inch-thick side of the stone before shattering into shiny fragments.
“Burst” of gunfire? As in “full-auto?” Probably not, but that’s the impression it’s supposed to leave. Hell, you liked that? You should see what my 1896 6.5×55 Swedish Mauser will do to one! Or my 1917 Enfield chambered in .30-06. Or a .45-70 Government round that dates back to the Old West. Half-dollar-sized hole? Hell, that cinderblock would be dust!
The round is capable of penetrating some bulletproof vests.
Actually, the .223 round will penetrate just about any vest a duty officer would be willing to wear. I covered that, too in Speaking of Teddy Kennedy… Any rifle bullet will, including the venerable old .30-30 deer cartridge. Most police vests are designed to stop handgun bullets only.
“These are weapons of war, and to make them more readily available is certainly a concern for us,” said Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly. “It is a concern for police officers because they’re the ones at 2 a.m. who are most likely to confront these types of weapons.”
My 1896 Swede is a “weapon of war.” My 1917 Enfield is a “weapon of war.” My No. 5 Mk I Lee-Enfield, built in 1945 is a “weapon of war.” What’s your point?
But so-called “assault weapons” are not “more readily available.” They were “readily available” all through the so-called “ban”. That was a fact decried by the gun-control groups calling to “strengthen” the “ban.”
More than a decade ago, the AR-15 had been routinely used by dealers to guard drug dens. Now it can be legally sold in federally licensed gun shops in certain states, along with Uzis, Macs and Tec-9s, the sinister-looking pistols toted by thugs who devastated the city.
Now there’s a bold-faced lie. The AR-15 has never been “routinely” used by druggies because it’s too large to easily conceal. They liked small guns. Now, they did like the Uzi and the Mac and the Tec, but that’s because they can be concealed relatively easily. But every one of those fires the 9mm pistol cartridge, and is no more deadly that a police-issue Berretta or Glock.
But you’re not supposed to know that.
With the expiration of the federal assault weapons ban two weeks ago, will the guns that held neighborhoods in the clench of violence in the late 1980s and early 1990s be making a comeback?
Well, since they never left, why should they?
“Assault weapons will be more lethal and less expensive.”
Say WHAT? “More lethal” than WHAT? The same gun without a bayonet lug?
“High capacity magazines will be back in production for civilian sale,” the Consumer Federation of America darkly concluded after polling weapons manufacturers.
Yeaaa! No more $50 magazines!
New York’s own ban on assault weapons remains in effect, and the city has some of toughest gun laws in the nation, but traffickers have managed to smuggle in thousands of illegal handguns each year through Southern states, where lax laws allow multiple purchases and the use of so-called straw buyers.
Really? The law allows this? I thought those acts, like bringing guns into NYC and selling them out of the backs of cars was illegal. That means NOT ALLOWED. Did somebody forget to send me a memo when the definition of “illegal” changed? What about the Brady Background Check? Isn’t it working? No? Why not?
Authorities are concerned that as stores now offer the higher-powered weapons, as well as certain styles favored by criminals and magazines holding as many as 50 bullets, that the weapons will make their way into the arsenals of the city’s gangs and drug organizations.
Um, those weapons and magazines were already out there. If the cities “gangs and drug organizations” wanted them, they’ve got ’em already. The elevated price didn’t worry them any. They’re selling drugs. That’s a high profit-margin business, I understand.
“We are concerned anytime illegal firearms, whether handguns or rifles, are trafficked or possessed in New York City,” said William McMahon, special agent in charge of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives New York office. “In the hands of criminals, any of these weapons can be deadly.”
In the hands of criminals, any gun is “deadly.” Doesn’t matter if it’s a zip-gun, a sawed-off, or a full-auto. THEY’RE CRIMINALS! GUN LAWS MEAN JACK SHIT TO THEM.
The new availability of increased firepower is a major concern. Under the ban, dealers could not sell magazines holding more than 10 bullets.
Another bold-faced lie. Dealers could sell all the “pre-ban” “normal capacity” magazines they could get their hands on, and there were tens of thousands of them. Only the price went up. And criminals and drug dealers can afford it.
“With the magazine limitation lifted, you have in effect what amounts to putting an automatic weapon on the street,” said Kelly. “A 30- or 50-round clip put in a semiautomatic, you just keep pulling the trigger and you put out an awful lot of firepower.”
So, my post-ban AR with my pre-ban 30-round magazines is equivalent to an “automatic weapon?” Really? Tell that to the Army. They’ve been paying extra for the full-auto option.
“They’re going to shoot what they’ve got,” said a Bronx investigator.
But the National Rifle Association said the fears are unfounded.
“We’ve received phone calls from numerous rank-and-file police who know this ban had nothing to do with crime,” said Andrew Arulanandam, an NRA spokesman. “These guns have been available in different forms. A magazine is a piece of metal. The focus ought not to be on an inanimate object, but on the criminal, who gets guns through the black market.”
This is the writer’s deliberate effort to be “fair.” Moving on…
The ban on 19 weapons was signed into law by former President Bill Clinton after shootouts among drug dealers claimed hundreds of innocent lives in inner cities and deranged killers armed with assault rifles grabbed headlines in pristine suburbs.
Note that she didn’t say “shootouts among drug dealers armed with assault rifles.” That’s supposed to be implied, but deniable.
Assault rifles had such features as a folding stock, a night sight, a flash suppressor, a bayonet mount, a pistol grip and a large magazine capacity.
Right. And prohibiting the folding stock, flash suppressor, and bayonet mount made these guns so much more “less lethal.”
Now, read this part:
Of 125 guns taken off the street last year by just one firearms investigations team, 10 of them were banned weapons; most were cheap 9-mm. handguns.
What was the breakdown of those ten weapons? How many of them were AR-15s? Hmm? Enquiring minds want to know.
With the ban lifted, some criminals may covet the status and intimidating reliability of once forbidden firepower, investigators said.
Oh JESUS CHRIST! “Forbidden firepower” my aching ASS!
For example, the newly available Colt AR-15 bears a revered name in the gun industry, known for accurate, well-made weapons.
Likewise, the Mac-10 is twice the size of the Glock 9-mm. carried by cops, and packs a 30-shot ammunition clip.
Perhaps the cops should carry them, since they seem to have a hard time hitting anything with their 15-round Glocks. Amadou Diallo ring any bells?
Although the firms that manufactured some of the guns are defunct, stores may have inventories they were previously unable to sell. And authorities believe a manufacturer will fill the void. The Tec-9 is also a weapon that helped spike the city’s murders to a record 2,245 in 1990.
“The Tec-9 has the same power as the Glock, but it’s a bigger gun, with a big handle, and you can add a flash suppressor – and it’s a very menacing gun, and that’s why criminals wanted it,” said a federal firearms investigator.
“Currently the Tec-9s are the biggest concern,” added a detective in the firearms unit. “They’re everywhere … and in the winter, these guns are easily concealed under bulky jackets.”
Wait, wasn’t this story about how the AR-15 could shatter concrete? Penetrate police vests? Now it’s about Tec-9s? (Which you could still get after the “ban?”)
“It remains to be seen what the effect will be, but lifting the ban can only bring about bad things,” Kelly said.
Really? Only bring “bad things?” Want to bet you won’t be able to tell the difference?
DAMN I’m tired of these bloviating, mendacious, fearmongering ASSHOLES!
UPDATE, 9/29: Head of Head’s Bunker liked Ms. O’Shaughnessy’s article so much, he created an educational poster suitable for schools and daycare centers and everywhere ignorant people need to be frightened. Excellent! Give it a look.