Read Michael Bane’s Take on Lawsuit Preemption Legislation
I think he’s spot-on, myself.
The firearms industry is queasy about supporting .50 calibers. That’s because many of the Powers-That-Be come from hunting/shotgun sports backgrounds, and they’re uncomfortable with us barbarians from the practical pistol/tactical/long-range rifle buzz gun side of playpen.
Gun industry protection has been re-introduced in both the House and Senate. The antigunners — crippled, unable to raise funds, desperate for an issue that gets them back in the game — are trying to generate enough heat around .50s and “armor-piercing ammunition” to allow them to cut a deal on pre-emption. The antigunners suck it up and accept firearms industry protection against lawsuits if we sell out the .50s and the 5.7 X 28.
Michael’s recommendation?
• Keep up the heat on CNN.
• Let our industry representatives know where we stand.
To that I would add, let our elected representatives know where we stand, too.