OK, NOW I Feel Validated.
It’s been nineteen months since I started The Smallest Minority, and while I’ve gotten one or two comments from people who disagree with me, and even a couple from the moonbat wing (JadeGold, you know who you are), I hadn’t yet received one of those truly mindless, angry, hatred-spewing comments from the Perpetually Pissed-Off™.
Kevin when I took you up on your ‘go shooting for a day’ offer, you swore I’d get to shoot me some Messicans. You never showed me any! You even lied about that manservant of yours, the one who kept the beer coming. I checked his license — Rodriguez — what’s he do for you that keeps you form shootin’ him, huh?
In fact, I don’t think you really did any of that stuff you were talking about. You’re just another loudmouth pencil-dicked nerd with pistol-envy.
Let’s see, Hess – were you Aaron or his 18 year-old birthday-boy brother? Or Diane, that nice 66 year-old lady who really loved shooting my Kimber .45? (And was good with it!)
Didn’t think so.
Keep projecting your irrational fears, Hess. (Any relation to Rudolph by any chance?) Don’t bother reading anything that will challenge your prejudices. Thanks for visiting! And tell your friends, friend, co-workers, ward-mates.
This just makes my weekend!