I found out through this post at Cryptic Subterranean that Sgt. Walter Gaya – of the Gun Guy’s Walter and Adam fund, is having some problems with the Dept. of Immigration (or whatever the hell it’s called now.) Jay Mac links to this ABC News piece that reports:
The Argentina-born immigrant, who moved to the United States as a child, was injured just eight days before he was to be sworn in as a U.S. citizen in a ceremony in Iraq.
Now, he’s in a bureaucratic black hole: Federal immigration officials wouldn’t renew his permanent resident card or tell him when he could reschedule the swearing-in ceremony. No one at the local U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services office could tell him what to do next to get his citizenship papers, or even how to renew his immigration documents.
Freelance reporter Michael Yon mentioned Gaya in one of his dispatches about the group of soldiers sworn in at the ceremony Gaya missed. Yon was embedded with the Deuce-Four, Gaya’s unit, when Gaya was wounded by an IED. His friend Adam Plumondore, the other member of the Gun Guy’s fund, was killed by an IED in February.
Six months after 9/11, Immigration informed a flight school that two of the hijackers, Mohammed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi had been approved for student visas, and Walter Gaya – a serving non-commissioned officer in the U.S. Army can’t get sworn in as a citizen?
Someone’s head should roll. SondraK has taken up the drumbeat. Write your Congressweasles. Post this information far and wide. Get pissed off. Outrage seems to be the only thing that gets anybody’s attention any more.
UPDATE: Add Thus Spracht ME and Stop the ACLU to the list.
UPDATE 10/31: David Codrea links to Cryptic Subterranian‘s piece with Thank You for Your Service, Now Get Out. Harsh, but not excessive.
UPDATE 11/1: SondraK relays this Michael Yon report – “I spoke with Walt today, and the citizenship matter is under control. I will speak with him tomorrow and ask him about his camera. I can tell you now that he will be very heartened to hear that so many people actually care so much.”