Merry Christmas To All
Well, I’m back home for a few days. I don’t have to be back on site until January 5, thankfully, but then it’s crunch time, and I don’t know if I’ll have any free time at all until the end of the month. I certainly hope so, because on Sunday, February 1 I’m scheduled to appear on LibertyWatch Radio here in Southern Arizona at 1:00PM MST during the “America Armed & Free” segment. Host Charles Heller will be interviewing me about gunblogs and gunblogging. You can tune in via the internet at
I’ve got a lot to catch up on, not the least of which is my reading. One oversight I want to fix right now: Carnaby Fudge, aka Ben, has taken up a side business of providing stainless 6.8SPC barrels for AR-15 rifles. He liked his K0-Tonics barrel so much, he bought the company! Or something. So if you’re interested in one, he’s the man to talk to.
I’m hoping to get a few posts written during the next ten days or so, but don’t expect anything out of me during January. (Dammit.) I like to say that I do this not for you, but for me, and it’s true. I blog because, for some reason, I need to. It’s a bitch when I can’t.
Ah well, on a lighter note, here’s a lovely video Christmas Card for you to finish this post:
I do like to keep it classy!
Y’all have a good one!