I Have Been Remiss

I Have Been Remiss

. . . in reading Mostly Cajun as regularly as I’d like. Here’s today’s Quote of the Day, a mere smidgen of a damned fine rant everybody needs to read:

(Daschle) and the rest of those elitist a**holes sit up there in Washington and direct their lackies to write a tax code that even THEY can’t understand, and they put into place a HUGE bureaucracy to administer those rules, said bureaucracy known to give contradictory opinions of any given part of that tub of rules, and then our OVERLORDS expect us to kowtow to their rules, but they themselves regularly sidestep, obfuscate and just plain ignore those same rules themselves.

You have no idea how much this galls me. I have seen the acusatory letters from the IRS, basically calling me guilty until I prove myself innocent, and threatening all sorts of legal actions against what little resources my socialist overlords deign me to keep for myself and my family. Yet THESE guys get a pass.

THIS, folks, is the stuff of which revolutions are made.

Read the whole thing.

I could not agree more with his concluding paragraph.

I think every sitting and living former member of both houses of Congress and every current and living former President and cabinet member should be subjected to an IRS audit of their last five year’s tax returns.

I’m willing to bet that if our overlords were made subject to the same penalties and interest charges we peons would be subjected to, that little investigative effort would go a long way towards halving the National Debt.

Pitchforks and torches and hemp, oh my!

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