On the Subject of Rights . . .

Over the five and a half years I’ve been writing this blog, the topic of Rights has been the most pervasive. In one of the earliest posts, I reprinted a short essay I wrote to win a year’s membership at AR15.com entitled What is a ‘Right’?. That essay inspired a lot of commentary, and a rather extended exchange with a professor of mathematics that makes up the next six posts below it in the “Best Posts” over there near the top of the left sidebar.

And I wrote one more überpost, The United Federation of Planets on that topic as well.

Those are just the ones I thought worth having permanent links to.

Now someone else has decided that the topic is interesting and important enough to dedicate an entire blog to, and since TSM is the current sole resident of his blogroll, I thought I’d give him a link and pass on his invitation to you, my loyal sixteen readers:

I believe that the root cause of many – if not most – of the problems we face today, both domestically and around the world, are due to a basic misunderstanding or misapplication of the concept of “rights”. This blog is my attempt to begin a wide-ranging discussion regarding rights in general, and fundamental / natural / God-given rights in particular. My most ardent hope is that as many people as possible will join me in trying to discover and define what the concept of “rights” actually means, what rights we all have, and how having those rights defines who we are and how we interact as human beings.

My goal is threefold. First, I need to get all of my thoughts and ideas out of my head and put down in writing. This forum will allow me to pick a topic and run with it until I get everything out. Second, I wish to persuade as many people as possible that my ideas are correct, and that adopting them will improve the quality of their lives and the lives of all those with whom they come in contact. And third, the “comments” function will allow for anyone who wishes to do so, to add their own thoughts and ideas regarding whatever I have written. I do not just encourage this – I need it. You see, I believe what I am writing to be objectively true, but in order to test my ideas and beliefs, I need feedback. So please, feel free to comment on anything I write.

He goes by the handle John Galt and blogs at The Rights Project. If you’re interested, take him up on his offer.

UPDATE: Broken link fixed. D’OH!

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