Entropy Happens

Monday’s scoop of free ice cream has drawn some traffic, some links, and some comments, and last night’s gun blogger roundtable at Gun Nuts Radio has provided another spark of inspiration. Unfortunately, twelve-hour days and 2:30AM cat fights in the kitchen are conspiring to smother that spark, so I’m afraid this piece isn’t going to be quite the quality I’d prefer, but I want to keep up with Rule of Blogging #1 as best I can.

One of the comments left at Restoring the Lost Constitution was this one:

“Thus perish all compromise with tyranny!”

(William Lloyd Garrison, setting fire to the constitution on Framingham Green, Massachusetts, July 4, 1854)

Billy Beck

Immediately followed by this one:

The Necronstitution.

Why try to restore a thing so instrumental in the death of America?

“The American Revolution in fact died with the ratification of the US Constitution.”


It was only a matter of time to arrive at this point. That was clear before the ink was even dry on that thing.

Obviously neither Beck nor Matt are particular fans of the Constitution, but the fact of the matter remains that there are a significant number of us who want what we believe that document promised us restored. We far outnumber those of the Anarchist bent, but (as I have been cataloging here at TSM for the last six years) we’re both overrun by people who have been fed Rousseau (the overwhelming majority unknowingly) for their entire lives.

And that feeding has been deliberate. I strongly recommend you watch Bill Whittle’s 13 minute piece on “The Great Liberal Narrative”. As commenter “jb” put it in his linking post,

Gramsci saw it correctly, although he was a minor marxist of his time. Jailbirds rarely get recognition.

“Gramsci rejected the state-worship that results from identifying political society with civil society, as was done by the Jacobins and Fascists. He believes the proletariat’s historical task is to create a ‘regulated society’ and defines the ‘withering away of the state’ as the full development of civil society’s ability to regulate itself.” (Wikipedia)

He was a communist’s communist–he kept the end goal in sight at all times. Lenin and Stalin were more deadly, but Gramsci was more consistent. Give the proletariat the essentials of life, or even a bit better and they (the proletariat) will let the marxist masters do what they wish.

So what about that inspiration from the Roundtable discussion last night? Hold on just a bit longer.

Back in October of 2006 I wrote an überpost, hoping to conclude my series on “What is a Right?” entitled The United Federation of Planets. If you’ve got an hour or two, you might want to go peruse that piece, but the key relating to this post is that what people believe drives the cultures they live in. At one time, the vast majority of this society believed that the Constitution protected our rights and our property. Many of us want that protection back. Apparently most people think they do, but honestly don’t understand that what they’re agitating for is its exact opposite. Those who do understand it are (IMHO) evil.

Last night, one of the questions we bloggers were asked was “what was our favorite or most popular post?” LabRat said one of hers was Parasite memes and monkeyspheres. It’s one of my favorites as well, and it starts out with this:

It was as if even the most intelligent person had this little blank spot in their heads where someone had written: “Kings. What a good idea.” Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. — Terry Pratchett, from Feet of Clay

She goes on to argue a convincing case that human evolution prewires us to hate rich people, and embrace “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.”

Read it.

So if LabRat is even half right, it’s not really surprising that socialism is so seductive to so much of the population, and that the ideology laid down in the Declaration of Independence very well may have had the seeds of its destruction sown with the ratification of the Constitution of the United States.

Entropy happens, and it generally only goes one way without a huge influx of carefully directed power from outside the observed system: downhill. Our Constitutionally-oriented belief system has survived, mostly intact, for over 200 years – which is a pretty damned good run, historically. What the people of this nation have accomplished in that period is more than exceptional, it’s quite literally so extraordinary as to seem almost impossible.

But it’s not enough, apparently, to overcome the siren song of “we’ll take care of you!”

That major design flaw, it seems, is catching up to us.

Good night. I hope you sleep better than I probably will.

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