Quote of the Day – California Edition

Quote of the Day – California Edition

The State of California has been mismanaged literally for decades now. Governor Gray Davis was recalled because of it, and Arnold “The Governator” Schwarzenegger got himself elected – twice! – to the Captaincy of the Titanic on the promise that he could fix it.

He failed, because the electorate cannot figure out that you cannot spend money you don’t have – at least not for very long, and Ahnold refuses to unsheathe the Clue-Batâ„¢ on them.

He wants to keep getting re-elected (to something, anyway.)

So when I ran across this while perusing the internet this afternoon, I knew it would make the perfect QotD:

Mark’s one sentence description of California:

California: where the Anarchists sound like Libertarians, the Libertarians sound like Republicans, the Republicans sound like Democrats and the Democrats sound like Leon Trotsky, and about the only saving grace is that they do not actually get all the government they pay for.

Can I get an “AMEN!”?

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