If you’ve read this blog for any reasonable period, you know I like to use other people’s words when they say something well. Today I give you, in its entirety, a comment by reader Grumpy Old Fart to my post Quote of the Day – P.J. O’Rourke Edition from a few days ago:
Democrats are the party of hatred, envy and bigotry. It’s the basis of everything they do, and they use it at every opportunity.If you disagree with them on race, it’s because you’re white (even if you’re Thomas Sowell, Mia Love or Marco Rubio). If you disagree with them about women’s rights, it’s because you’re a man (even if you’re Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter or Megyn Kelly). If you disagree with them about gay rights, it’s because you’re straight (even if you’re Jimmy LaSalvia or Chris Barron). They’re not interested in empowering minorities, they’re only interested in punishing white people. They’re not interested in empowering women, they’re only interested in punishing men. They’re not interested in empowering gays, they’re only interested in punishing straight people. They’re not interested in helping people become successful, they’re only interested in punishing the wealthy. They don’t want justice, in fact they work hard to subvert it… because they pander to those who want revenge.
Of course, they always claim the opposite. But it wasn’t the Republicans who wanted a Supreme Court Justice who thought she was better than others because she wasn’t white or male. It wasn’t the Republicans who called Condoleeza Rice a “house nigger.” It wasn’t the Republicans who coined the term “white hispanic.” It’s not the Republicans who to this day call Justice Thomas an “Uncle Tom.” It’s not the Republicans who delight in “Teabagger” as a derogatory term.
It isn’t the Republicans who are proud to be associated with openly racist organizations like BLM, the NAACP and La Raza. It wasn’t the Republicans who proudly put a proven rapist in the White House in the 90s. It wasn’t the Republicans who were proud of voting for our last President because he’s not white. It wasn’t the Republicans who voted for Hillary because she’s not male. It’s not the Republicans who have fought tooth and nail to make it easy to get on welfare, but hard to succeed in business.
Democrats spent several years calling Republicans “terrorists,” “suicide bombers” and “hostage takers.” But the majority of Hamas supporters in America are Democrats.
I’m agnostic, and yes, I find it annoying when Christians act as if I’m some poor deluded soul who must be saved from his own stupidity. But at least Christians treat me as if I am a human being, and by their lights they are trying to help me. They’ll try to change my mind, but they don’t try to have me arrested or outcast when I don’t. The anti-Christian left thinks I should be punished for daring to disagree with them, if they concede that I should be allowed to exist AT ALL.
“Diversity” my hairy butt. I want my doctor, my lawyer, my local police and firefighters, even the guy who sacks my groceries, to be the best, and I don’t care what color they are, whether their underwear has a fly, or who they kiss when they go home in the evening. And because I have that attitude, I have been called a racist, a fascist, a white supremacist, a neo-Nazi, and just about any other derogatory name you can imagine. This is apparently what is known as “reasoned discourse” and “rational debate” among members of The Party of Tolerance™.
I have nothing to add to this.