This is What the Education Bureaucracy is Afraid Of

AITA for showing my 13 year old daughter footage of WW2 concentration camps? Excerpt:

Schools are shut, we’re in lockdown and I’m playing teacher. My daughter is 13 and doing a project on world war 2. It’s basically a critical thinking piece about why it is important to remember the atrocities with also room to argue that we should be able to forget about it and move on.

I feel incredibly strongly about remembering WW2, for a variety of logical reasons I won’t get into, but also I’m quite an emotional person who wants to remember. However for the purpose of this project I tried to stay unbiased.

My daughter who is generally a clever and kind person just wasn’t getting it. I looked at the reading material and it was all very… I don’t know. Dull I guess? Watered down? Far removed?

Later on she was in a video call with some school friends saying learning about ww2 was a waste of time. Essentially the gist was it’s boring, it’s in the past and we don’t have to deal with these sort of things nowadays. I heard one of her friends say “I don’t think it’s even as bad as the text books made it out to be”

In that moment I guess I decided to take a more hands on teaching approach.


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