Roger Kimball brings the Truth: For US, Gradual Ruin Is About to Become Sudden. (Behind a paywall, but Instapundit has the pertinent portion.)
There is the passage in the house of H.R. 1, the so-called “For the People” bill, which would effectively assure that were was never another fair election in this country.
It would do this by all-but-obliterating voter ID requirements—you need an ID to board a plane but not cast a vote—mandating same-day voter registration and at least two weeks of early voting, and by requiring states to provide unsupervised drop boxes to receive completed ballots.
In other words, H.R. 1 would centralize presidential elections, taking responsibility for oversight away from the states, where the Constitution placed it, and arrogating it to the clutches of the federal government and its sprawling bureaucracy.
If, as seems almost certain, H.R. 1 becomes the law of the land, it would be the final nail in the coffin of electoral integrity
The widespread irregularities (that’s polysyllabic periphrasis for “fraud”) that attended the 2020 election would be codified into law assuring that, for as long as anyone could envision, 2016 would have to be counted as the last free, fair, and open presidential election.
It used to be that American was the land of the free and home of the brave. A robust culture of free speech was every American’s birthright.
We had free and fair elections, unlike the banana republics we were always called upon to bail out or police.
We also had borders, and even politicians eager to increase immigration understood the difference between entering the country legally and opening the floodgates to the hordes massing on our Southern border.
That’s all behind us now, or at least those traditions appear to be on life support—no, the patient was on life support, but someone came to euthanize him and pulled the plug.
The signs and portents are many and they are not encouraging.
Perhaps the most disturbing episode last week was Joe Biden’s alarming performance when he announced the elevation of two women to the status of combat generals.
Biden went on to underscore the “intensity of purpose” with which his administration would be pursuing “body armor that fits women properly, tailoring combat uniforms for women, creating maternity flight suits, updating their hairstyle requirements.”
This was not from a Saturday Night Live skit: it was the President of the United States live in front of the cameras.
I’ve been on this planet now 59 years. When I was eighteen, I voted for Ronald Reagan – the first and only candidate I ever voted for. I’ve voted in every national and most state elections since, but since then (and even in 1984), I have since voted against. Against whoever was the worse choice. I even cast my ballot for Perot in 1992, being not particularly enamored of either George H.W. Bush or William Jefferson Clinton. I have since concluded that we’ve voted our way into this, but we won’t be voting our way out.
The 2016 election gave me a glimmer of hope, but 2020 ruthlessly stamped out that ember. The Authoritarian Left and its oligarchs in Washington will make sure that their power is never again threatened by the electorate. As someone put it after November 3, 2020, “We knew we had to win by more than the margin of fraud. We just didn’t realize the margin was infinite.”
H.R. 1 legally codifies power grabbing into the future. No more fear of another Bernie or Trump wrecking their plans. The Left controls both houses of Congress, the White House, most of the bureaucracy, and a whole lot of the Justice Department, not to mention the remainder of The Swamp. They can do whatever they want, and they are. Open the border? Done. Raise taxes on the middle cl… I mean, the rich? No problem. Disarm the dangerous “domestic terrorist” publ… I mean, protect the children? On its way!
And anyone who opposes this is a racist and/or a domestic terrorist. A Public Enemy. A Traitor.
I said a while back that I thought all of this insanity had a basis in reality. The Oligarchs aren’t nuts. Well, they may be, but they’re not irrational. They use the irrationality they deliberately created among the general public as a tool, a lever for greater and greater social division so that the chance of any organized opposition of any size is minimized. Why do you think they’re so freaked out about the Capitol riots January 6? Well, they’re not, really. That’s political theater, at which they’re masters. The conditions were set up by them. The Capitol Police were largely stood down and requests for National Guard were refused due to “optics.” Honestly, I think they’re disappointed in the body count. But never mind, it gave them the excuse to clutch their pearls in front of the cameras and claim fear for their lives, and arrest people publicly – the Roger Stone treatment of SWAT teams and armored vehicles, smashed doors and ransacked houses. “This is what happens when you protest wrong.” Turn the thumbscrews one more turn, tighten the ratchet one more click.
In my July 2020 post Endgame I predicted the election outcome. I also wrote:
The wheels come off the train and the train comes off the track in 2021, one way or the other.
The End of America has been predicted by many people for quite some time. The Progressive Postmodernists appear to have decided that the time is ripe. The national debt cannot be ignored forever. The projected entitlement spending is unsupportable. All their preparation of the battle space through balkanization has brought us to this point. Black Lives Matter, itself organized and run by self-proclaimed Marxists, is the hinge on which the lid is swinging, but Pandora’s Box is certainly opening. I don’t think we’re going to stop the greed, envy, hatred, pain, disease, hunger, poverty, war, and death that will come flooding out of it, and there most likely won’t be much around afterward to put them back in.
BLM is no longer the hinge. Post January 6, “Domestic Terrorism” has taken its place. The Anointed have told their followers to Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid of their neighbors who are Not Like Them™. But the National Debt currently exceeds 28 trillion dollars. Twenty-eight TRILLION dollars. $28,000,000,000,000. Not quite five times what it was in 2000, and spending hasn’t slowed down a bit. It continues to accelerate.
That which cannot go on, won’t. But the Anointed are getting theirs while the getting is good, and the rest of us are on our own.
How much longer before their gravy train derails? I predicted before the end of 2021, but there’s a lot of ruin in a nation. We may yet hang on a bit, but not forever.
We live in the very best period of history humanity has ever experienced, and we’re about to destroy it nonchalantly, like a child with a Christmas ornament. I’m not sure Billy Beck’s “Endarkenment” is sufficiently descriptive.
This is why I have given up, and am looking for ways to move to another country.
The Democrats are sprinting to the finish line and the question is, did they begin the sprint too soon? They’ve built this up for years and with the election of Trump, I believe they moved the timeline up a bit. He made them show their cards and much of what I thought was just hearsay and conspiracy theories, has turned out to be completely true. It’s just been a shock how blatantly they have admitted it.
So here we are, watching them take step after step, leap after leap… and all the while dragging the ignorant with them while we listen to them spout off about how wonderful life will be if we just let the Democrats do whatever they want. Such idiots we’ve brought up to take our place (not all of course, but it sure as hell feels like it… like we’re just getting more and more stupid).
I believe why they hate Trump so badly is that he showed how corrupt they are. Further he showed how our elections are manipulated. This is why both parties, the swamp, MSM, and Globalists want Trump and American supporters of him silenced. Biden and all that support him will destroy this country by driving us to CW2 or breaking up as the border is open and all laws removed.